What are Human Rights? I see people questioning the very idea of “human rights”, usually on the basis of a misunderstanding of just what a “right” is. They ask questions like “where do rights come from”, as if there must be some authority that makes “rights”, and absent such an authority, there are no rights. These are conceptual confusions, a product of a failure to educate ourselves in basic civics. So let’s learn some political theory together! A right is something that a community thinks is necessary for that community to be just. Rights are the duties that the society owes its members in order to respect their basic dignity, humanity, and autonomy. For instance, we think we have a right to free speech. This right doesn’t “come from” anywhere; instead, this is a value our society holds. If we were to stop stop respecting the people’s right to speak freely, we’ve explicitly come to a consensus that this would go against our collective values. If we start repressing free speech, we are in some important sense derelict in our duties to the public. So, for instance, when China violates human rights through internet censorship, the US will openly declare this to be a violation of human rights, and will urge them to change their ways. There is no “objective list” of what these rights are, and they aren’t eternal handed down from some absolute authority. Nevertheless, there are a series of rights that are acknowledged in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is the official UN document that is signed and endorsed by all its member states. The UDHR lists 30 distinct articles including both positive and negative rights. You can read the whole Declaration here: http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ The preamble gives a great introduction to what a right is, […]