December 29, 2015


Scott Alexander: Should AI be Open? Or are we worried that AI will be so powerful that someone armed with AI is stronger than the government? Think about this scenario for a moment. If the government notices someone getting, say, a quarter as powerful as it is, it’ll probably take action. So an AI user isn’t likely to overpower the government unless their AI can become powerful enough to defeat the US military too quickly for the government to notice or respond to. But if AIs can do that, we’re back in the intelligence explosion/fast takeoff world where OpenAI’s assumptions break down. If AIs can go from zero to more-powerful-than-the-US-military in a very short amount of time while still remaining well-behaved, then we actually do have to worry about Dr. Evil and we shouldn’t be giving him all our research. // I’ve been meaning to write a critical take on the OpenAI project. I’m glad Scott Alexander did this first, because it allows me to start by pointing out how completely terrible the public discussion on AI is at the moment. We’re thinking about AI as if they are Super Saiyan warriors with a “power level” of some explicit quantity, as if such a number would determine the future success of a system. This is, for lack of a better word, a completely bullshit adolescent fantasy. For instance, there’s no question that the US government vastly overpowers ISIS and other terrorist organizations in strength, numbers, and strategy. Those terrorist groups nevertheless represent a persistent threat to global stability despite the radical asymmetry of power– or rather, precisely because of the ways we’ve abused this asymmetry. “Power level” here does not determine the trouble and disruption a system can cause; comparatively “weak” actors can nevertheless leave dramatic marks on history. Or […]
December 9, 2015


Andreas Schou writes: +Daniel Estrada finds this unnecessarily reductive and essentialist, and argues for a quacks-like-a-duck definition: if does a task which humans do, and effectively orients itself toward a goal, then it’s “intelligence.” After sitting on the question for a while, I think I agree — for some purposes. If your purpose is to build a philosophical category, “intelligence,” which at some point will entitle nonhuman intelligences to be treated as independent agents and valid objects of moral concern, reductive examination of the precise properties of nonhuman intelligences will yield consistently negative results. Human intelligence is largely illegible and was not, at any point, “built.” A capabilities approach which operates at a higher level of abstraction will flag the properties of a possibly-legitimate moral subject long before a close-to-the-metal approach will. (I do not believe we are near that point, but that’s also beyond the scope of this post.) But if your purpose is to build artificial intelligences, the reductive details matter in terms of practical ontology, but not necessarily ethics: a capabilities ontology creates a giant, muddy categorical mess which disallows engineers from distinguishing trivial parlor tricks like Eugene Goostman from meaningful accomplishments. The underspecified capabilities approach, without particulars, simply hands the reins over to the part of the human brain which draws faces in the clouds. Which is a problem. Because we are apparently built to greedily anthropomorphize. Historically, humans have treated states, natural objects, tools, the weather, their own thoughts, and their own unconscious actions as legitimate “persons.” (Seldom all at the same time, but still.) If we assigned the trait “intelligence” to every category which we had historically anthropomorphized, that would leave us treating the United States, Icelandic elf-stones, Watson, Zeus, our internal models of other peoples’ actions, and Ouija boards as being “intelligent.” Which […]
November 23, 2015


In a recent article, Adam Elkus argues two points: 1) Drawing attention to an issue doesn’t necessarily solve it. 2) Drawing attention might make things worse. For these reasons, Elkus argues against what he calls “tragedy hipsterism”: the “endless castigation of the West for sins and imperfections” without offering anything constructive. He says, “Awareness-raising is only useful if it is somehow necessary for the instrumental process of achieving the desired aim. In many cases, it is not and is in fact an obstacle to that aim.” I think this is completely mistaken, both about the utility of castigation, but more generally about the role of attention in shaping the social dynamics. Consider, for instance, a crying baby. Crying doesn’t solve any problem on its own. If an infant is hungry, crying won’t make food magically appear. At best, crying gets an adult to acquire food for the baby– but not necessarily so. The adult could easily ignore the baby, or misinterpret the cry as triggered by something other than hunger. Typically, an adult will feed the baby whether or not it cries, which renders the crying itself completely superfluous. And crying can be dangerous! In the wild, crying newborns tend to attract predators looking for an easy meal. On a plane, crying newborns create social animosity that might threaten the safety of the newborn and their family in other ways. Crying doesn’t always help, and it often makes things worse. So on Elkus’ argument, crying is actually an obstacle to the infant’s well being. If babies only understood the futility of crying, perhaps they’d be more effective at realizing their goals! Of course, this argument is ridiculous. Crying isn’t meant to solve problems directly. In fact, crying is usually issued from a place of helplessness: the inability to realize one’s […]
October 2, 2015


I’d invite everyone to imagine the human world as it existed before the invention of money. Prior to money, people engaged in cooperative behaviors for a variety of non-financial reasons (family, love, adventure, etc). But populations eventually grew too big to support the network with such slow, noisy transactions. Early agricultural societies invented money to help everyone collectively keep better track of how all their valuables were distributed. At the time, it would have been perfectly sensible to wonder about the complications that money would bring. “What if you’re in a situation where you need help, but you don’t have enough money to get anyone to help you? Seems like a lot of people could get the short end of the stick.” Of course, this worry would have been exactly correct. There are massive problems with the distribution of wealth and resources that comes with money. These problems are persistent; we still don’t know how to deal with them, and they are worse than ever before. Nevertheless, money was the critical coordinating infrastructure that (more or less) set up the human population to flourish over the last 10k yrs or so. It was the tool that built the human population as it exists today. I don’t like money. The human population today is fat, dirty, wasteful, uncoordinated in distributing resources, and ineffective at exerting global, targeted control that does anything but kill people. These failures have piled up to the point that they legitimately pose widespread, calamitous dangers to large human populations and important cultural centers. Money is currently in no position to resolve the problems we face; if anything, it’s made them virtually intractable. We’re in an analogous situation to the early agriculturalists: we need a new tool. Attention is our new tool; the attention economy our new coordinating […]
July 14, 2015


There are two kinds of robot movies. The first treats robots as a spectacle. Robots in spectacle movies justify their existence by being badass and doing badass things. Sometimes spectacle robots work for the good guys (Pacific Rim, Big Hero 6). Sometimes they function as classic movie monsters (Terminator , The Matrix sequels) putting robots in the same monster family as zombies and Frankenstein, sources with which they share many tropes. But usually, spectacle robots serve as both heroes and villains simultaneously (Terminator 2, Transformers, Robocop, Avengers 2). Presenting robots in both positive and negative roles allows spectacle movies remain neutral on their nature. Robots can be a threat but they can also be a savior, so there’s no motivation to inquire deeply into the nature of robots as such. In effect, spectacle movies take the presence of robots for granted, and so reinforce our default presumptions: that robots exist for human use and entertainment. Robot spectacle movies can be entertaining but they tend to be shallow, and plenty of them are just plain boring (Real Steel, the animated Robots). Apart from functional novelties that advance the plot or (more likely) set up a slapstick gag, robot spectacle movies don’t bother to reflect on the robot’s experience of the world or how they might reflect on our human condition. The Terminator even provides the audience with glimpses of his heads-up display without hinting at the homunculus paradoxes it implies. Because once that robot’s function as a ruthless killing machine is established, the only question left is how to deal with it– a challenge to be met by the film’s human protagonists in an otherwise thoroughly conventional narrative. In spectacle movies, the robot is merely the pretense for telling that human story, another technological obstacle for humanity to overcome. The second […]
July 13, 2015


This line of thinking traces to Drefyus’ What computers can’t do, and specifically of his reading of Heidegger’s care structure in Being and Time. Dreyfus’ views gained popularity during the first big AI wave and successfully put a lid on a lot of the hype around AI. I would say Dreyfus critiques are partly responsible for the terminological shift towards “machine learning” over AI, and also for the shifted focus on robotics and embodied cognition throughout the 90s. But Drefyus’ critiques don’t really have a purchase anymore, and I’m surprised to see Sterling dusting them off. It’s hard to say that a driverless car doesn’t “care” about the conditions on the road; literally all it’s sensors and equipment are tuned to careful and persistent monitoring of road conditions. It remains in a ready state of action, equipped to interpret and respond to the world as a fully engaged participant. It is hard to read such a machine as a lifeless formal symbol manipulator. Haraway said it best: our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert. I think +Bruce Sterling underappreciates just how well we do understand the persistent complexities of biological organization. Driverless cars might be clunky and unreliable, but they are also orders of magnitude less complex than even a simple organism. The difference is more quantitative than qualitative, and is by no means mysterious or poorly understood. In a biological system, functional integration happens simultaneously at multiple scales; in a vehicle it might happen at two or three at most. This low organizational resolution makes it easier to see the structural inefficiencies and design choices in technological system. But this isn’t a rule for all technology. Software in particular isn’t subject to such design constraints. This is why we see neural nets making huge advances […]
May 17, 2015


+John Baez worries that +Backyard Brains dodges the hard questions in their ethics statement. I’m not sure they entirely dodge the ethics question, “when is it okay to turn animals into RC cyborgs?” By saying it isn’t a “toy” and emphasizing its educational applications, they’re distinguishing between frivolous and constructive uses of the tool. If you’re just messing around for entertainment, or if you have some malicious purpose (like a cyborg roach based bank heist) then it’s probably not okay. Turning animals into cyborgs is okay when the applications are constructive and educational: when students learn, when knowledge grows. This is a common response from scientists to questions of animal experimentation: to point at the benefits generated by the research. The distinction between frivolous “toys” and constructive uses might be clear enough, but as stated it’s only a rule of thumb. The harder question is how to distinguish the two. One might be skeptical that it’s possible to state the ethical rule any more clearly than this. After all, horribly inhumane and unethical acts have been conducted in the name of science, so obviously science itself can’t be cover for doing whatever you want. The developers also point to high schools and educators mentoring students on their use of these techniques. Indeed, they seem to be marketing primarily to educational institutions aiming to buy RoboRoaches in bulk. In effect, this diffuses the ethical questions by putting responsibility on the institutions and educators overseeing their use. Unfortunately, this doesn’t give those institutions much of a guideline for making that decision themselves. It also somewhat spoils the DIY-ness of “backyard brains”. I do appreciate that they have a dedicated discussion of the ethics at stake! Although I agree that they don’t nail down the ethics questions with complete satisfaction (and they admit […]
December 1, 2014


Last night I attended a packed screening of The Imitation Game. My thoughts on the movie are below, but tl;dr: I thought the film was great. If you have any interest in mathematics, cryptography, or the history of computing you will love this film. But this isn’t just a movie for nerds. The drama of the wartime setting and the arresting performance from Cumberbatch make this film entertaining and accessible to almost everyone– despite the fact that it’s a period war drama with almost no action or romance and doesn’t pass the Bechdel test. Of course, as a philosopher I have questions and criticisms. But don’t let that confuse you: go see this film. Turning history’s intellectual heroes into media’s popular heroes is a trend I’d like to reinforce. Turing’s story is timely and central for understanding the development of our world. I’m happy to see his work receive the publicity and recognition it deserves. Turing is something of a hero of mine; I spent half my dissertation wrestling with his thoughts on artificial intelligence, and I’ve found a way to work him in to just about every class I’ve taught for the last decade. I know many others feel just as passionately (or more!) about his life and work. I have been looking forward to this film for a long time and my expectations were high. I was not disappointed. The Oscar buzz around this film is completely appropriate. Spoilers will obviously follow. There are minor inaccuracies in the film: Knightley mispronounces Euler’s name; Turing’s paper is titled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence“, not “The Imitation Game”; the Polish bombe machine was eventually named Victory, never Christopher. But I’m not so interested in that sort of critique. I’d instead like to talk about two subtle but important themes in the […]
October 16, 2014


1. You can’t really blame us for building Facebook the way we have. By “we” I mean we billion-plus Facebook users, because of course we are the ones who built Facebook. Zuckerberg Inc. might take all the credit (and profit) from Facebook’s success, but all the content and contacts on Facebook– you know, the part of the service we users actually find valuable– was produced, curated, and distributed by us: by you and me and our vast network of friends. So you can’t blame us for how things turned out. We really had no idea what we were doing when we built this thing. None of us had ever built a network this big and important before. The digital age is still mostly uncharted territory. To be fair, we’ve done a genuinely impressive job given what we had to work with. Facebook is already the digital home to a significant fraction of the global human population. Whatever you think of the service, its size is nothing to scoff at. The population of Facebook users today is about the same as the global human population just 200 years ago. Human communities of this scale are more than just rare: they are historically unprecedented. We have accomplished something truly amazing. Good work, people. We have every right to be proud of ourselves. But pride shouldn’t prevent us from being honest about these things we build–it shouldn’t make us complacent, or turn us blind to the flaws in our creation. Our digital social networks are broken. They don’t work the way we had hoped they would; they don’t work for us. This problem isn’t unique to Facebook, so throwing stones at only the biggest of silicon giants won’t solve it. The problem is with the way we are thinking about the task of […]
October 13, 2014


// A few weeks ago I saw Bruno Latour give a talk called “Gaia Intrudes” at Columbia. I’ve struggled with the term “Gaia” since I came across Lovelock’s Gaia Hypothesis while studying complex systems a few years ago. On the one hand, Lovelock is obviously correct that we can and should treat the (surface of the) Earth and its inhabitants as an interconnected system, whose parts (both living and nonliving) all influence each other. On the other hand, the term “Gaia” has a New Agey, pseudosciencey flavor (even if Lovelock’s discussion doesn’t) that makes me hesitant to use the term in my public discussions of complexity theory, and immediately skeptical when I see others use it. Since my skepticism seems to align with the consensus position in the sciences, I’ve never bothered to resolve my ambivalence about the term. And to be completely honest, while I admired Latour’s work (he’s mentioned in my profile!), going into this talk I was also a little skeptical of _his_ use of the term. I’ve been thinking pretty seriously about the theoretical tools required for understanding the relationship between an organism, its functional components, and its environment, what and I have been calling “the individuation problem”. As far as I can tell, not even the sciences are thinking about this problem systematically across the many domains and scales where it arises. That same week I had written a critique of Tegmark’s recent proposal for a physical theory of consciousness; my core critique centered on his failure to distinguish the problems of integration and individuation. So to hear that Latour was approaching the discussion using the vocabulary of Gaia made me apprehensive, if not outright disappointed. I was worried that he would just muddy the waters of an already fantastically difficult discussion, and that it […]
April 4, 2014


// From the ongoing SA thread on Strangecoin. > Just out of curiosity, RA, when you discuss ideas like reifying the class structure by assigning people coloured buttons identifying their social class and when you advocate a system that would admittedly make it more difficult for poor people to buy food and basic necessities, are you making any kind of value judgement on the merits of such a system? It’s hard for me to reconcile ‘worried about hypothetical silent discrimination against cyborgs’ RA vs ‘likes the idea of clearly identifying poors with brown badges to more easily refuse to serve them’ RA. // I would only advocate for the idea if I thought it had a chance to change the social circumstances for the better. The reasoning is something like the following: 1) People are psychologically disposed to reasoning about community membership (identity), their status within those communities (influence), and how to engage those communities(culture/convention). This is what significant portions of their brains evolved to do. 2) People are not particularly disposed to reasoning about traditional economic frameworks (supply and demand, wealth, etc), their status within those framworks (class, inequality), and how to engage those those frameworks (making sound economic decisions). They can do this, and the ones that do, do really well, but its hard and most people can’t and suffer because of it. 3) It would be easier for most people to do well in a system that emphasized transactions of the type that people are typically good at reasoning at than ones they are typically bad at reasoning at. 4) Therefore, we should prefer an economic framework that emphasizes reasoning of the former and not the latter type. I’m not saying this fixes all inequality and suffering, but it makes it easier for people to do things […]
March 30, 2014


// I was digging through the SomethingAwful archives and found my first essay on the attention economy, written on April 5th, 2011. At the time, Bitcoin had yet to experience it’s first bubble and was still trading below a dollar, and Occupy Wall Street was still five months in the future. If you don’t have access to the archives, the thread which prompted this first write up was titled “No More Bitchin: Let’s actually create solutions to society’s problems!” Despite my reputation on that forum, I’m not interested in pop speculative futurism or idle technoidealism. I don’t think there’s an easy technological fix for our many difficult problems. But I do think that our technological circumstances have a dramatic impact on our social, political, and economic organizations, and that we can design technologies to cultivate human communities that are healthy, stable, and cooperative. The political and economic infrastructure we have for managing collective human action was developed at a time when individual rational agency formed the basis of all political theory, and in a networked digital age we can do much better. An attention economy doesn’t solve all the problems, but it provides tools for addressing problems that simply aren’t available with the infrastructure we have available today. My discussion of the attention economy was aimed at discussing social organization at this level of abstraction, with the hopes that taking this networked perspective on social action would reveal some of the tools necessary for addressing our problems. . In the three years and multiple threads since that initial post, I’ve done research into the dynamics and organization of complex systems and taught myself some of the math and theory necessary for making the idea explicit and communicable. And in that time the field of data science has grown astronomically, making […]
June 1, 2010


We first introduced you to Anybots’ QA telepresence robot back in January of 2009 at CES. QA was pretty slick looking, with features like a bendy waist and an LCD tie and a pricetag of about $30k. QB, a stripped down slimmer version of QA showed up about 9 months later, and now Anybots has announced the official launch of QB. All QB needs to be fully functional is you plus a computer on one end, and it plus wireless internet on the other. It has a top speed of 3.5 mph and will run for a solid eight hours per charge. The Anybots QB telepresence robot will be available this fall for $15,000, which seems like a lot… But, compared to the cost of (say) hiring a new employee and paying for them to relocate, or flying people back and forth across the country all the time, a $15k telepresence robot may make sense for a lot of businesses. [ Anybots QB ]
June 1, 2010


In what may be (but probably isn’t) just a coincidence, a third telepresence robot has made a (pre) commercial appearance in as many weeks. This robot is called Vgo, and… Well, it does telepresence. Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but you get on your computer on one end, connect to the robot, and then drive it around while looking through its cameras. Sensors keep you from running into stuff or falling down stairs, and it’ll run all day on one battery charge. The biggest news, at this point, is that the Vgo is only supposed to cost $5000. Plus a mandatory support contract of $1200 a year. So, $6000. The Boston Globe has a nice piece on Vgo… There aren’t many more technical details, but I did find this interesting: Two analysts I spoke with differed on the potential for robotic videoconferencing. Rob Enderle, a technology analyst at the Enderle Group who has written about the slow spread of traditional videoconferencing systems, said that “the closer we get to simulating being there, the better an alternative to travel it will become.’’ But Dan Kara, president of the publishing company Robotics Trends in Framingham, said, “I’m not quite sold on mobile telepresence. How is it that much better than having someone at the remote site carry around a netbook computer with a free copy of Skype on it?’’ The whole minion+laptop+Skype thing is exactly the point we made back when Anybots’ QA was introduced at CES for $30k. Obviously, a telepresence robot is much better than minion+laptop+Skype, but the question is, is it really that much better in terms of cost effectiveness? At the $6k price point, perhaps. Or maybe that’s not the question… Maybe the question should be, how much hardware is required to simulate being somewhere else […]
June 2, 2010


We posted about three different telepresence robots yesterday: the Anybots QB, the Willow Garage Texai, and the Vgo. Telepresence is great in concept, but as Erico Guizzo discussed a bit, it’s a strange combination of being somewhere and not being somewhere, and interactions with people are different in ways that range from subtle to drastic. Willow Garage has been using Texai in their office for quite a while; one of their employees, Dallas Goecker, ‘commutes’ daily from Indiana to California via Texai. So, they’ve been figuring out some of these social rules as they go, to the point where some things are now a part of the Texai communication software: Here are a few built-in bits of etiquette: Texai Rule #1: If you see me, I see you. Explanation: It’s about two-way communication. Implications: The cameras face forward because the screen faces forward. The pilots are only allowed to drive the Texai once they’ve shared their video stream. Texai Rule #2: Texai do not record audio or video. Explanation: It’s about face-to-face communication. More, after the jump. These are some generalized social rules that apply to the Texai: * When a pilot wants to get a local’s attention, they’ll hover by the office window or open doorway (initiating conversations). The extreme example of this is running into the doorway to “knock.” * When working from outside of the building, WGers will often sit their Texai at their real office desks because that’s where other people know to go find them. * When Dallas goes down the hallway, people often say hi to him; this has happened less so now that Texai is not a novelty, but it happens at about the same rates as when we say hi to each other in the building in person. * Dallas will turn […]
June 3, 2010


Catching fish just got a whole lot easier. Researchers at NYU-Poly’s Dynamical Systems Laboratory have found that schools of golden shiners have no problem letting robot fish take over leadership roles when it comes to schooling, as long as the bots don’t look (or act) in ways that strike the fish as, you know, fishy. Yeah, I went there. Professor Maurizio Porfiri and his colleagues figured out that the real fish decide whether or not to school based on visual cues as well as how the water is moving. If the conditions are right, the fish will look for a big, decisive fish to follow, and they don’t care at all if that fish is a robot. This particular robot fish uses ionic polymers that swell and shrink in response to electrical stimulation to power its tail, resulting in reliable, silent, lifelike motion. Researchers suggest that this technology could be used to steer schools of fish away from hydroelectric turbines. And, you know, that’s nice and all, but let’s think outside the tank for a minute… We now have the capability to use robots to control schools of fish. We have come to a point, as a society, where we can choose to use these powers for good, or for evil. Will fish robots lead schools of mackerel into out nets to feed humanity, or will they lead schools of piranhas into our swimming pools to kill us all? Either way, I smell a feature film. [ NYU-Poly ] VIA [ Futurity ] Thanks Dirk-Jan!
June 7, 2010


You can do some pretty incredible things with quadrotors in a precision motion capture environment. Angela Schöllig, Federico Augugliaro, and Raffaello D’Andrea from the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at ETH Zürich in Switzerland have taught a pair of robot helicopters to dance in sync with a techno remix of the theme from Pirates of the Caribbean. Why? Well, why not? I imagine, though, that this demonstration is part of a larger research path towards enabling cooperative (or swarm, if you will) behaviors. The environment that these quadrotors are dancing in is a 10m square box with netting on the sides and padding at the bottom, which allows for crazy moves with minimal risk to either the robots or nearby humans. At the top of the box are eight high speed cameras that are able to provide localization information with millimeter level of accuracy at a frequency of 200hz or greater. This means that you’re not likely to witness moves like this outside of a controlled and besensored space… At least, not until vision sensors and inertial measurement units get accurate enough, small enough, and cheap enough to put on the copters themselves. [ IDSC ]
June 7, 2010


Quadrotors are getting smarter and more talented, but besides surveillance, their usefulness is a bit limited due to their size. Where one little helicopter fails, however, an assemblage of little helicopters might be able to succeed. The Distributed Flight Array is a project from the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control at ETH Zurich that aims to combine a bunch of different little autonomous helicopters into a big glob of autonomous helicopters. Each helicopter unit has its own motor, computer, and sensors, and can wirelessly communicate with all the other units. In addition to flying, they also have little motorized wheels underneath to let them crawl around the ground. The especially cool bit is that the helicopters can also autonomously dock with each other, which enables them to team up to do things like steal children. There are all kinds of ways in which a distributed flight array could be useful. One of the most obvious is heavy lifting… Got something heavy? Call in a bunch of robots to combine and lift it. Got something heavier? Call in a bunch more. If one robot breaks, it’s not a big deal, since you can just swap in another one. The robots are even able to adapt on the fly to keep the entire array stable, so adding and removing individual robots is relatively straightforward. Still, getting the robots to reliably dock with each other in mid air is probably easier said than done… We’ll definite be looking forward to seeing some video of that in action. [ DFA ]
June 10, 2010


It’s been 2 years since we last checked out a robot arm controlled by a monkey brain. That arm (from back in 2008) had only four degrees of freedom, and this one is a whopping seven, but that doesn’t seem to phase the monkey much, as it deftly uses brain control to grasp a knob with the arm and receive a tasty reward. At this point, the monkey is relying on two brain implants (in the arm and hand areas of its motor cortex) to interpret nerve impulses and use them to control the arm. The fantasy is (as least, as this technology applies to people with disabilities) is to make the controller non-invasive, and some of the technology is sort of there. Sort of. But perhaps more importantly, this experiment shows just how capable and adaptable a brain is, and the potential is very exciting. Or at least, my brain is excited… My body, on the other hand, is getting a little worried about its potential obsolescence. [ MotorLab ] VIA [ IEEE ]
June 16, 2010


To be fair, some of PR2’s Poolshark programming team look to be pretty terrible at pool, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive that in only five days, PR2 learned how to hold and shoot a pool cue, recognize ball locations, select the best shot, and then sink it. If you’re wondering what this robot can’t do, the answer seems to be nothing (besides using stairs and round door knobs). Willow Garage has two more of these week long ‘hackathons’ planned this month, which will include teaching PR2 how to push a cart (meh) and fetching drinks from a fridge (yes please). A robot that can play pool and fetch me beer? Hellooooo new best friend. [ Willow Garage ]
June 17, 2010


This video of an ornithopter from Harvard University and the University of Tokyo has been making its way around the internet, and while it’s pretty amazing to see those bio-inspired flapping wings, I thought I’d share a slightly different perspective on this ‘robotic butterfly.’ Wired magazine spoke with Robert Dudley, a professor at UC Berkeley who specializes in biomechanics. Butterfly flight is somewhat mysterious because it’s roughly the opposite of “as the crow flies.” Butterflies flit about rather than flying in a straight line. That actually costs them more energy, Dudley said, so scientists assume their looping flying serves some evolutionary purpose. “The advantage is that it’s thought to be an anti-predator behavior,” Dudley said. “The claim is that irregular flight paths are a permanent signal of prey unprofitability.” The Japanese researchers somewhat capture this oscillating type of flight with their plastic-winged flyer, but Dudley argued that the differences between the bot and a real butterfly are so great as to invalidate the biological lessons the researchers try to draw. “There is nothing fundamentally wrong with this approach but it severely limits any claims to the biology,” Dudley said. This is really interesting, from an evolutionary point of view… Basically, butterflies flit about randomly like they do because it makes them a pain in the butt to catch. The extra energy that they expend doing this is made up for by the fact that they don’t get eaten as frequently. Anyway, back to robots. It seems to me as though the scope of this particular research has been somewhat misemphasized… The researchers look to have been experimenting with the dynamics of butterfly wings, as opposed to attempting to create a robotic butterfly that flies like a real one. Specifically, they were looking at the wing veins, and as it turns […]
June 22, 2010


iCub is a robot designed to study cognition and learning, and his latest talent is dynamic ball catching. Rather than being programmed to do this, iCub gets ‘taught’ by a human, who makes catching motions while being hooked up to some motion encoding hardware. This approach allows iCub to dynamically adapt to variable ball trajectories, which is the kind of thing that happens all of the time outside of the lab, as it were. Obviously, iCub needs to speed up a bit if he wants to be useful in a baseball game, and he certainly doesn’t have anything on the speed or precision of robot hands like this or this. But, iCub also doesn’t depend on an array of high speed cameras, and he also doesn’t depend on a constant trajectory for the ball, making him far more adaptable. At this point, I’m not entirely sure if iCub needs faster hardware or software or both, but the potential is here for something pretty cool in the near future. [ RobotCub iCub ]
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