Have you ever felt uncomfortable asking people for money? So has Chris Eckert, so he built a robot to help him out, named Gimme:
Gimme is a two axis numerically controlled sculpture that pans a room looking for people. Once found, the machine tracks a person, cajoles them into making a donation, and resumes scanning the room searching for potential donors.
The sculpture is controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini. Stepper motors are driven by two Pololu A4983 Stepper Motor Driver Carriers. The microcontroller, stepper drivers, and sensors are all mounted on a custom circuit board made with Eagle CAD.
While I absolutely love the construction of this robot, I’m not quite sure what to make of the bare eyeball… Part of me says “cute!” Part of me says “get it away from me!” But for the purposes of this robot, that’s probably perfect: first it draws you in, and then when it’s too late, you have to pay it to get it to leave you alone. Genius.